Monday 6 August 2012

The Hawaiian Summer.

I had a party and it was very, very good. 
Themed the 'Hawaiian Summer', I thought that this was the best way to make the most of my evening as this night was to be my summer holiday. The evening went really well, ring of fire and I have never had their appearances whilst listening to a bit of Elvis ;) and then afterwards, everyone got on their feet and the house became a hub of energy. It was brilliant. My inclusion of vodka jelly, bucket of tropical juice and vodka, and fruity ice cubes proved popular, especially with the jelly as everyone ate the cubes with straws. Interesting. 
It was the best party I have held and only minor incidents occurred leaving the house a little stained and scratched. Everything is as it was, however here are the pictures to demonstrate how colourful the night got. 

just a note, I should have worn more clothes. 


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